5 Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Having a proper skincare routine is one of the most critical aspects of building a positive self-image. After all, your face usually makes the first impression when meeting someone new. Unfortunately, it’s easy to make mistakes when trying to care for your skin. Here are the top five skincare errors committed far too often, and strategies to avoid them.

1. Showering Too Frequently

From an early age, we have all been told that the cleaner something is, the better– but this is not always the case, especially when showering with water that is too hot. Skin carries an outer layer of dead cells that protect the growing skin cells, nerves, hair follicles, and sweat glands underneath. Showering for prolonged periods of time with hot water, or doing so multiple times a day, could destructively break down this outer layer of the skin and force deeper layers to go through an extensive reparation process again and again. To help your skin look its best, evaluate the real need for multiple showers a day and consider showering with cooler water.

2.Drug Abuse

No one would say that doing illegal drugs is good for your body, but some don’t understand the long lasting effects of ‘mere’ mild drug abuse. The Recovery Village explains that drugs are toxic pollutants to the body. Those toxins affect your pores — and who wants large pores spotting their complexion? Drug and alcohol abuse, particularly over a long period, can have a dramatic negative impact on the appearance of your skin. Common effects of drug and alcohol abuse are redness, dry patches, bloating, or spots. If you think you may be dealing with substance abuse, reach out to a medical professional to learn about the best course of action for your situation.

3. Dehydration

We all know that eight glasses of water are recommended every day, but this water does more than nourish our organs and internal systems. Hydration plays a significant role in the appearance of our skin as well. Dehydration leaves skin dry and flaky. This is especially problematic for those with sensitive skin that’s already prone to dryness. Furthermore, dehydrated skin isn’t as elastic as fully hydrated skin. Consequently, wrinkles and under-eye bags may become more pronounced. For optimal hydration, drink two liters of water every day. Not only will this prevent dryness, but proper hydration means that you will feel better in general and get sick less often.

To help your skin look its best, ensure you are drinking proper amounts of water every day. You should also take into account the quality of the water you are drinking. Unfiltered water may contain sediments and other contaminants that could negatively affect your health. Drinking filtered water will ensure that you are able to effectively flush toxins from your body and achieve optimal hydration.

4. Not Using Sunscreen

Everyday sun exposure is vital to health. It can boost mood and help the body synthesize vitamin D. However, prolonged exposure without sunscreen can be dangerous to both the health and appearance of the skin. Sunburns cause dryness and flaky skin. Repeated exposure can also lead to the development of sunspots and an increased risk of skin cancer. SkinVision discusses how people would be benefited by just using a mild sunscreen if they are planning on spending more than 30 minutes out in the sun. It is more damaging to the skin to be constantly exposed to the sun than to lather up sunscreen everyday. Be sure to apply sunscreen (at least SPF 30) if you expect to be in direct sunlight for more than 20 minutes.

5. Failing to Moisturize Properly

One of the most impactful ways to keep hydration locked in and maintain healthy skin is to use a moisturizer twice a day: once in the morning and once before bed. Look for a moisturizer that is either oil-based for dry or matte skin or water-based for oily skin. Some products include sunscreen as well. Other brands have anti-aging ingredients like collagen and peptides to keep your skin looking youthful.

Your skin is your most important asset. Don’t let these simple mistakes compromise the appearance and youthfulness of your image.

A not so commonly discussed skin condition is DSAP (Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis). Although it isn’t discussed nearly enough, DSAP affects a large number of people. There are many conditions that can cause premature DSAP symptoms or make symptoms worse. Quick discovery of the condition and changes in lifestyle will help you in your current life and in the future. For more DSAP information, please check out our “What is DSAP” page to get started!

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